Which have the better temperment around children ? I'm starting my flock in the spring, and would like to start with a mix of the two but hearing conflicting stories on which is best around kids. Whatcha think ?
I think you’d be fine going either way. Barred Rock, Rhode Island Reds, Buff Orpingtons and Australorps are great breeds to start your flock with and if it’s only hens you’re talking about, they’ll be great around kids. If roosters are involved, it’s always different from flock to flock if roosters are going to be over-protective of their flock and attack children that pose a threat. Good luck!
I think you’d be fine going either way. Barred Rock, Rhode Island Reds, Buff Orpingtons and Australorps are great breeds to start your flock with and if it’s only hens you’re talking about, they’ll be great around kids. If roosters are involved, it’s always different from flock to flock if roosters are going to be over-protective of their flock and attack children that pose a threat. Good luck!