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we left for a week & THESE hatched…


We came back from Virginia after the Homesteaders of America Conference and found some new chicks! A broody hen hatched out three Silkie chicks and they are so cute!

We recapped the 2018 Homesteaders of America Conference and talked about how cool the experience was. So many interesting conversations with homesteaders, YouTubers and the speakers!

It's been getting pretty cold at night... we've been temporarily covering the rabbit tractor and it was time to build them some cages for the shed to keep them heated and comfortable over winter. We built these cages from Amazon and stacked them in the shed, giving them some straw, alfalfa and some toys to play with over winter.

It was also Jake's birthday... we asked the viewers to guess Jake's age. We're getting quite a range of guesses!

Winners of the pizza cutter from Josh Langfitt at JJL Forge and some hand-painted White House on the Hill shirts were announced at the end of the video. Thanks for being a part of the 40,000 subscribers on our YouTube channel and the giveaway!

Watch the conference video from the Homesteaders of America HERE

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