White House on the Hill
Jun 16, 2018
Baby ducklings CHASING their mother
How do you title a video that contains a little bit of everything? We had 4 baby ducklings hatch (out of 7 eggs - 4 alive, 1 hatched and die

White House on the Hill
Jun 10, 2018
This. Was. Awkward. (our turkey & duck fought)
Our duck got into our turkey area and the fight was on! We weren't excited about this, but it sure was weird to watch. Just awkward. Tod

White House on the Hill
Jun 7, 2018
You have that PROBLEM in the country, too?
The project of the day: building a sign for the driveway. Now that our boys are starting to use their bikes more often, they're going ou

White House on the Hill
Jun 3, 2018
Life goes by in the BLINK of an eye
It's Uriah's 3rd birthday! For Uriah's gift, we're building a kid's table out of wood... all built from scrap wood and t

White House on the Hill
Apr 26, 2018
Don't leave her home with POWER TOOLS
Becky needed a new garden bed for some watermelons and some other viny vegetables... only problem was that Jake wasn't home to build the

White House on the Hill
Jun 23, 2017