White House on the Hill
Aug 25, 2018
The numbers 12 and 10,000 are important today
Our life as a married couple started in the city. Nowhere close to a farm... before we had kids (and chickens). 12 years later, we have 2 bo

White House on the Hill
Jul 6, 2018
What it’s like to live with 85 chickens
Have you ever wondered what it's like to raise chickens? Well we were there a couple years ago... 2 years ago we got our first 6 chicks.

White House on the Hill
Jul 4, 2018
From pasture to plate for this PROBLEM duck
At one point, we had 11 Pekin ducks. 6 females and 5 males that we either had to sell off or butcher. They were wild, they were crazy, they