White House on the Hill
Jan 12, 2019
It cost HOW MUCH to ship these birds from California?
We asked our viewer's for some recommendations on birds to hatch out this year, and the most suggested was the Red Golden Pheasant. A go

White House on the Hill
Dec 1, 2018
Today, we stare our food in the face
Two years ago, we made the decision to learn how to raise and process our own chickens to feed our family. Now we're on the verge of Dec

White House on the Hill
Oct 11, 2018
Our chicks deserved better
Our chicks were doing so well! Almost too well... we've always lost a few chicks when they were in the brooder, but this time was going

White House on the Hill
Sep 28, 2018
5 PEACOCK eggs didn’t hatch. Let’s Investigate.
It's now 40 days since we put the peachick eggs (round 2) under the broody Australorp hen & in the incubator (later to be moved unde

White House on the Hill
Sep 25, 2018
BEHIND THE SCENES of Murray McMurray Hatchery
The first hatchery we ever ordered chicks from was Murrary McMurray Hatchery in Fall 2016. Now, two years later, we have the privilege of to