Behind the scenes of a HATCHERY | 2018 Heartland Hatchery Tour
In 2017, we started a relationship with Alan Nieder and Heartland Hatchery by creating a video for his family-owned hatchery:
This year we went back to see the hatchery during the busy season - which it's currently in March, his busiest time of the year. We saw the chicks coming out of the hatcher, learned more about the breeds he carries, and an added bonus this year... we got to go to one of the breeder farms! We went to see the farm of Dirk and Natoshia Diehl to see the breeding stock for nine of Heartland Hatchery's chickens, two turkey breeds, and one duck breeds.
Thank you so much to Alan, Dirk, and Natoshia for sharing their farms and hatchery with us and our audience. To get in contact with Heartland Hatchery, please go to their website, facebook page, or call Alan Nieder directly.
Heartland Hatchery: website | facebook | 660.424.0408